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    Mahdi told his father when he came home, "Dear father, while Soheila was washing her hands today, she suddenly slipped and fell in the pool. Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta Pyasa Kutta
    His father said, "Do you think their neighbor did a good job?"
    Mahdi replied, "Yes, she did. But the water was cold, and now she is ill. "
    His father said," My dear son, on this occasion may not worry about the inconvenience. In this case, it seems like something is drawing the lady towards helping.
    People do not always calculate and act according to which benefits them only; they sometimes put their own life in danger. It often happens that someone is hungry, but they are giving it a poor person or a hungry animal.
    They does not immediately benefit from seeking to act, but Their affinity to good works Encourages them to act in this way. "
    Mahdi's father said that once, his own father had listened to one of the great men did had traveled to Qom with some companions , The weather was hot, the time was over and they were just a few miles from their destination. One of his servants, who was a butler, lagged behind the caravan. He noticed that he was exhausted due to heat and thirst.
    He thought he could quench the kutta 's thirst with his water.
    He has nothing but his master's cup to feed it with. If he quenched the kutta 's thirst with this cup, he would be punished severely, and would be at risk of imprisonment or exile.
    Nevertheless, he could not tolerate depriving it of water, so he fed the kutta and hurried ahead to catch up with the caravan. This butler said that since then, his worldly condition has changed for the better, and all his difficulties have been resolved. Everything became easy for him, and it looked like something or someone helping him. Of course, I had no doubt that it was God's reward for him treating that animal with kindness. Since then, he has a high level in the ministry.
    Mahdi's father continued, "If someone acts righteously, it may benefit you in this world too, but we must act only for God's satisfaction and happiness, and must not expect a reward."
    One day, a man came across a tired, pyasa kutta. He wanted to help the kutta, and so tied his turban like a rope to his has, and lowered the hat into the well. He retrieved some water and fed it to the pyasa kutta. The Prophet informed that all of man's sins were then forgiven.