hello guys, moved in germany the other week and i could use some help. i am trying to buy something online using my mobile phone's credit but the payament always gets declined and i receive an sms that reads:
"Aldi Talk Info: Bei Aufladung des Guthabens per SEPA-Lastschriftverfahren ist der Dienst Bezahlen per Handyrechnung zunaechst nur eingeschrankt verfuegbar"
i've tried translating it but to be honest it makes even less sense once it's translated. i think it's saying that my sim has been blocked?
[EN] help me figure out the problem
You have to buy credit in the Aldi Discounter and recharge. Then you can buy and pay online.
You have to buy credit in the Aldi Discounter and recharge. Then you can buy and pay online.
i already have 16€ on my card. the payament amounts to 12,99€ so i should totally be able to purchuase it. do i need to recharge even more money? -
I did have the same problem having my bank account approved. Do write them a message or mail. Works flawless afterwards. It has nothing to do with the amount you charged with vouchers.
Bitte NIE mit einem Prepaid Handy irgendwas bezahlen.....
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